make tatara charcoal

Pack the ingredients tightly. Make sure to use low-quality wood near the fire pit, as it is more likely to catch fire and turn into ash.
The size of the charcoal kiln is 2 meters long, 1.2 meters wide, and 60 cm deep, and the amount of material is estimated to be about 300 kg, depending on the degree of dryness.
After closing the lid, light the wood and use the fan to blow hot air into the back of the kiln. However, if you increase the heat too much at this time, the materials near the firebox will catch fire quickly and the amount of ash will increase. You need to gradually raise the temperature of the kiln.

Approximately 3 hours after lighting the fire, white smoke will begin to rise from the chimney even without blowing air. At this time, the temperature of the smoke in the chimney was still around 40 degrees. After 8 hours, the temperature of the chimney smoke will reach 80 degrees. However, if the material is fresh wood or not very dry, it will take a little longer. When I say "natural", the ingredients put into it will generate heat themselves and cause a chemical reaction, so we reduce the amount of oxygen supplied and proceed with carbonization in a steamed state. Close the stove leaving only a small opening. What you need to be careful about here is to carefully observe whether the amount of smoke decreases or the temperature drops, and if that happens, you need to open the fire pit and raise the temperature.
After nature begins, we will collect wood vinegar station. The smoke gives off a pungent smell that stings your nose and hurts your eyes and nose. The color of the smoke is white.
From there, the color of the smoke turns yellow and changes to light blue. The color of the smoke will become clear approximately 10 hours after the fire pit is closed. Then, say ``break in'' and turn on the fire again for about 30 minutes to release the gas inside. By doing so, you will end up with a firmer charcoal.